The World Bank provide USD 120 million to support Nepal's educational sector

 26th March, Kathmandu

To assist with the implementation of the government's flagship School Education Sector Programme, Nepal will receive USD 120 million from the World Bank.

According to a statement from the World Bank, the program will build on previous initiatives in Nepal's education sector and will place a greater emphasis on quality learning by establishing a teacher mentoring system at the local government level and ensuring a full complement of subject teachers (English, math, and science) at upper-basic and secondary levels. 

Faris Hadad-Zervos, the World Bank's country director for the Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka, said, "Investing in quality education is key to developing human capital, which is at the heart of ensuring greater equity and economic growth." "This operation supports the Government of Nepal's vision to improve educational quality and access for all in order to realize the goals of the new federal state."

Through the implementation of the national integrated curriculum in the early grades, the operation also emphasizes strengthening fundamental abilities.

The procedure also emphasizes enhancing fundamental abilities by putting into practice The operation supports the government's program by creating and implementing the Recovery and Accelerated Learning Plan, building environmentally friendly and resilient classrooms, and enhancing digital teaching and learning materials in order to address the learning losses caused by school closures due to Covid and other disasters.

According to Karthika Radhakrishnan, team leader of the program task team for the World Bank, "students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds and underprivileged communities were most affected by school closures because they have even less access to teachers and remote learning opportunities." Through targeted scholarships, this new initiative assists youngsters from lower socioeconomic backgrounds and the Recovery and Accelerated Learning Plan.


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